The creators of the Pro•Tec line of electrolysis and thermocoagulation probes were guided by one singular obsession — your peace of mind, and that of your client.
The peace of mind based on the oval-shaped MicroGard tip that ensures the smoothest possible insertions, prevents the probe from piercing the follicle, and provides optimal resistance when the base of the hair is reached.
The peace of mind that comes from the durable medical-grade IsoGard and IsoBlend teflon insulation that concentrates the current at the probe’s tip, which allows you to reduce the intensity, thereby preventing any reaction at the skin’s surface and minimizing discomfort for your more sensitive clients.
The peace of mind which results from the color-coded SteriGard protective collar, that protects against contamination and confirms at a glance that you’ve got the right probe for the job.
The peace of mind secured by SecurGard, the individual packaging system that guarantees that each unopened probe package remains sterile for five full years.
At Pro•Tec, we’ve focused on providing you peace of mind so that you don’t have to be obsessed about it. So relax – you’ve made the right choice.